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세션명 신진연구자 특별 심포지움 (I)
발표장 401호
논문코드 1L9-3
발표일 2019-10-10
발표시간 14:20-14:45
논문제목 Ultrathin optoelectronic devices for wearable/implantable applications
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발표자 소속 울산과학기술원 (UNIST)
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소속 울산과학기술원 (UNIST)
논문초록 Soft electronic devices have been intensively studied over the past decade due to their unique advantages over the conventional rigid electronics. To achieve the soft nature in high performance electronics and to apply this technology to wearable biomedical electronics/optoelectronics, several strategies have been employed, such as the designed assembly, combination of unconventional manufacturing processes, new design of individual devices with deformable structures, and disease-specific system-level integration of diverse soft electronics. Here, we describe ultrathin flexible optoelectronic devices for wearable/implantable applications. Ultrathin high-resolution RGB quantum dot LEDs can be utilized next-generation electronic tattoo, transparent smart displan, and display of healthcare monitoring wearable devices. In addition, graphene-MoS2 based heterostructure can be applied to the ultrathin curved image sensors for the retina prosthetics.